Friday, 9 December 2011

38th Week

Another week has passed… welcome Week 39  (I’m nervous and excited!)

I wonder if this will be my last weekly pregnant photo?
Week 38 was a busy one in terms of medical appointments.  At my weekly OB check-up, my BP was once again elevated so Dr. A sent me to the Queensway Birthing Centre for some tests and blood work.  I was hooked up to a fetal monitor where I listened to Bryce’s heart rate for the duration of my visit.  It ranged from 134 when he was quiet to 180 when he was moving around.  I was also attached to a “contraction” monitor and had 4 episodes of painless “uterine activity” in 20 minutes.  After speaking with the on duty physician, she had me come back 2 days later for follow-up tests.  Apparently one of the blood test results came back with a high result (indicating my Kidney’s are stressed) but they were not concerned enough to keep or induce me.  Dr. A. also had me book an ultrasound for Dec. 20th (just in case I go past my due date).  She will then schedule an induction.  (I can’t imagine waiting another 2 weeks!!)

This week was full of pampering.  I figure it might be a long time before I can get back to a spa in the coming months.  So I had a pedicure done (thanks to “Daddy"),  and painted my toenails BLUE in anticipation of the arrival of our baby boy!  I also managed to get my hair cut and add some highlights to freshen up my tired look.  

These last couple of weeks have been the longest I think.  I’m always on high alert for any little “sign” that labour is imminent.  I have been feeling a little crampy for probably 5 days now but nothing has come of it.  Secretly I hope that means I’m dilating a tiny bit so that I will have less work to do on the actual day! 

What’s happening with Baby this week? “Only two more weeks (or plus two more, max) before your baby makes his or her appearance. And what an adorable appearance that will be! Your little one isn't so little anymore — weighing in at close to seven pounds and hitting the height charts at the 21-inch mark (or less). As you prepare (best you can) for baby's ETA, he or she is also getting ready, big time. Vernix and lanugo continue to shed from your baby's body into the amniotic fluid. Your baby swallows that amniotic fluid (yum yum?) and some of it winds up in his or her intestines where it — along with other shed cells, bile, and other waste products (triple yum) — will turn into your baby's first bowel movement (meconium) and perhaps your first diaper change.  Your baby's lungs continue to mature as more and more surfactant is secreted (remember — it helps prevent the lungs from sticking to each other when your baby begins to breathe…definitely a good thing).  At 38 weeks pregnant, all systems are go!

7 days to go…plus or minus!  Yikes!!

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